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Please call me to discuss your needs


When you take that first step towards getting help by phoning me, you will find a supportive, warm and knowledgeable professional with whom you will quickly feel comfortable.  When we meet for the first time, you will set the pace and I will be interested in your story - what is creating difficulties in your life, what's not working, and what you want to change. This comes from my genuine interest in your struggle to get where you want to be, but find yourself 'stuck' in pain, distress, confusion, anger, sadness and probably a broad range of feelings and accompanying thoughts.  Over the sessions we will together what is keeping you stuck (fear of: change, potential loss, failure/success, rejection, criticism etc.) and explore together new solutions and new ways of being that bring you a richer and more satisfying life, emotionally and otherwise. Psychotherapy also offers the opportunity to get clearer about old patterns and feelings interfering with new beginnings and discovering the enrichment that comes with a greater awareness of the joy of emotions. You, ultimately will decide your own life's direction. Psychotherapy can help with:

  • emotional crises – a traumatic event, or a loss of some kind: death, relationship ending, job loss

  • relationships – difficulties with marriage, partner, family, friends, work colleagues or feeling isolated with few, or unfulfilling relationships

  • general moods – dissatisfaction with life, pervasive anxiety, panic attack, phobias, anger, depression, low self-esteem, stress, emptiness or loneliness

  • past – childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, abandonment, loss

  • specific issues – eating disorders, panic attacks, phobias, trauma, loss of meaning, confusion about future direction and focus.

  • unhealthy coping – becoming withdrawn, drinking too much or drug use, emotional eating, losing interest in relationships and social activities

  • personal growth – to gain more from life, deepen understanding of self, explore and grow, develop good self esteem and confidence



Someone (I don't remember who -maybe me!!) said, 'Without love, life has no real meaning' and I think that is a partial truth; there is also a phrase from a song (definitely NOT written by me!!) 'Love is the greatest thing', and that probably is an ultimate truth. Unfortunately, so many individuals experience that truth only to discover that in many relationships how very difficult it is to maintain. Hope for a rekindling is extinguished by hurt, anger, resentment, frustration, stonewalling etc. and soon gives way to despair and hopelessness. It is not unusual for relationships to go through this in short-term phases, but if these feelings persist, it is time for help before the damage becomes long term and ’sets' which is then more difficult to change.

Couples develop a characteristic way of relating and functioning in order to meet the needs of the persons in the relationship. Sometimes what initially is a very workable and satisfying way of being together (functional becomes dysfunctional; i.e. no longer sufficiently meeting the individuals' needs nor that of the relationship). In a simplified explanation, this can be because the 'system' is too tight or too loose to allow for changing needs.  My work focuses on 'changing the system' that again allows for intimacy, each person feeling 'met' and 'seen' by the other, greater respect and care, and emotional satisfaction - without feeling unduly. trapped or restricted. Sometimes this can take only a few sessions, and other times significantly longer.

Many people seek relationship counselling as a last resort and often they leave it so long that at least one of the partners is past caring. I therefore urge people to seriously consider seeking professional help before the relationship becomes damaging and difficult to reconstruct.

Some indicators that the relationship needs attention:

  • there is a sense of something missing/lost in the relationship

  • arguments escalate or are circular which leaves you more frustrated than when you began, and your communication is unsatisfying

  • you become aware of repeating destructive relationship patterns

  • one of you is very insecure, clingy or jealous

  • you’re both moody with each other most of the time

  • one or both of you can’t discuss feelings with the other

  • one or other of you is unhappy much of the time

  • you’re losing physical or emotional intimacy

  • you’ve stopped having sex or it isn't much fun

  • professional life is impacting negatively on the relationship

  • you are finding it difficult adapting to new challenges such as marriage, becoming parents or coping with post-natal depression etc.

  • there are commitment difficulties or an affair

  • you feel misunderstood or that your opinion is unimportant or undervalued

  • you are coping with a break-up, separation, divorce or other endings



Most families function well enough to provide satisfaction, support and nurturance to each family member - sometimes with the occasional 'bump'. Healthy families can incorporate these stressors, adapt, and return to functionality. However, if the stress on the family becomes too great, one member of the family, often the most vulnerable may start to show symptoms. As an example, in a family I treated many years ago, the ten year-old daughter's grades plummeted only to recover in about a month - this cycle repeated through most of the school year until the parents sought help. Family therapy revealed that she was concerned that her parents would divorce as they argued frequently, but those decreased significantly when they became concerned about their daughter. She then relaxed and re-focused on her schoolwork which allowed the parents to begin the argumentative cycle again. Intervention led to the parents having relationship counselling and my making an agreement with their daughter that I would work with her parents' problems and she would focus on her school work. Relationships and school work improved relatively quickly and simultaneously.

I work with families by helping them realize when and how their adequate functioning became unhealthy and evolving strategies with the family to facilitate a return to balance and functionality. My style is to be active in the therapeutic process with support and compassion without judgement.



Group therapy often replicates our family experiences, reflecting both our fears of exclusion, acceptability, belonging etc. and how these early issues create a persistent pattern of relating to others and ourselves, Other group members' experiences, conflicts and resolutions also may trigger similar issues in ourselves.  

We get 'stuck' when we don't risk stepping into the new, but stay in the familiar, unexciting and as unstimulating as it may be because we feel safe there. Thus, satisfying, intimate relationships are avoided or prove unsatisfying, greater career opportunities seen as impossible etc. In the group I help participants to get clearer about these avoidant patterns, and invite group members to experience that which they have avoided - being more honest in their relationships with group members, express long-suppressed emotions and longings etc.

These groups often create a powerful atmosphere of trust and safety as well as encouragement for each other, so that group members are often surprised by what they actually do risk in the group and in their lives and the progress that they achieve.

I am a trained and experienced group facilitator, supervisor, educator, couples counsellor and psychotherapist. The supervision I provide is founded upon a combination of my extensive training and forty-plus years of clinical experience.

My supervisory approach is structured and flexible to assist you by:

  • extending your clinical perspectives and approaches

  • providing feedback and support

  • guiding advice for administering and managing your practice

  • finding ethical marketing and profile building options that suit your style

  • establishing and improving clinical protocols and legal and ethical requirements

  • working together to establish goals for your practice

  • sharing my resources knowledge and experience

  • assisting with professional networking

  • employing supervision contracts and making good use of evaluation and feedback

  • ensuring you develop as a professional in every aspect





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